Friday, October 12, 2012

Jefferson's Slave

Read the following article and comment on the article in the area below.


  1. During Jefferson's time, it was extremely common to own slaves. However, he had a very strange relationship with Sally Hemings. Specifically, she was much younger than him and they had several children together. On the other hand, Jefferson treated her much better than ordinary slaves, and he fathered the six children. As you can see, times were very different three centuries ago, and laws were certainly not as strict.
    -Alex Kaufman

  2. Sally Hemings was Thomas Jeffersons property. She was most likely a nursemaid to his daughter. Sally had at least six children who were most likely fathered by Jefferson. There was huge age difference between the two. It was said that Sally was never officially freed by Thomas Jefferson but that his daughter gave sally "her time". It was a form of unofficial freedom that would enable her to remain in Virginia. During that time it was common to have slaves.

  3. slavery was common in that time period. sally hemmings was one of thomas jefferson's slaves. she was treated differently from the other slaves he owned. she was described as having light skin and nice hair. she didnt look completely african american. she was younger than jefferson and they had children together. she was never officially freed but was given 'her time'. dental records and other evidence state that thomas jefferson fathered the children.

  4. During this time period jefferson and many others owned slaves. Jefferson was very close and said to be in a relationship with one of the slaves named Sally Hemings. He treated her well and was secretly the father of many of her children, which came out looking as if they were white since Sally was light skinned, and they blended right in with society.

  5. In all honesty Sally Hemmings was a lucky slave. She was treated very well because Jefferson had a thing for Sally. He was the secrete father of her children. They were lucky children because they came out looking white and never got treated as slaves. Jefferson helped his children financially and made sure know one new they were half black. Even though Sally was never freed as a slave, she was treated as if she wasnt one. Sally is known as the slave who had a relationship with her owner.

  6. Thomas Jefferson fathered six of Sally Heming's children, based on evidence from a DNA study. I think it was pretty normal back then to do what Jefferson did with Sally. No one was going to find out, and if the slaves said anything every one thought they were lying. I thought it was a little odd that Sally was younger than one of Jefferson's daughters. I liked that they included that to Sally Heming's descendants it was important that they were part of Jefferson's bloodline and that Jefferson's other relatives denied it, while Thomas Jefferson didn't say anything. It shows the different views of people in a significant event in history.

  7. Sally Hemings was Jefferson's slave. He had children with her secretly and because they looked white like him they fit in with society. Sally was allegedly treated well by Thomas and the children were also released from slavery since they looked white and we're in fact Jefferson's children

  8. Like majority of other plantation owners, Thomas Jefferson, one of the fathers of our nation, owned slaves. Sally Hemmings was one of these slaves and is a supposed mother of his children. This was unpublished and Jefferson raised their six children. Sally was never officially freed, but she was treated as such and her children were able to live as whites.

  9. Unlike popular theory of early slave owners possibly raping or forcing slaves into some sort of relationship, Jefferson seems to prove the thought wrong through his family tree. Though it is still thought to some that he had done as I mentioned, it is noted that even though he was a slave owner, it seems that he had actually treated his wife properly and even benefited their children's freedom due to their skin tone. Though their mother was never officially freed, their father Thomas Jefferson is claimed to have treated her like a proper wife and a proper woman. Sally Hemmings and Jefferson had love in secrecy, but through but positive and negative belief of how it had truly been, it is only heavily implied that they had true mutual feelings for one another.

  10. Durring this time didn't slave owner "rape" or have casual sex with thier slaves? Just syaing. So this was probly so woah because it was jerfersons. The childern and Sally were very lucky she was raised well and so where her children. It was a good thing the children came out white so they were accepted into society.

  11. Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of our nation. The founding fathers owned slaves. During this time many cases had happened where the slave owners have had a relationship with their slaves. I think that the DNA results are not false. i believe that Thomas Jefferson had a relationship with Sally Hemings which was his slave.

  12. The fact that Jefferson owned a slave and had sexual encounters with her may sound like a horrible thing today, but back then it was something very common. People who owned slaves sometimes had sexual relationships or raped their slaves. The only reason why this was made into such a big deal now is because he is a president. I also do believe that Sally Hemming and Thomas Jefferson did have kids together. I think he was the father of those children.
    - Robert Cann

  13. after readin what mainly came it mind is that you have to think about the time. now we might be taken back by the fact that jefferson not only had a slave but had sexual enconters with the slave but back then eho knows he probably wassent the only one sadly hes an important part of american history and culture because he was a president. there might not be any proof of off spring between the two but im convinced that their are and jefferson did father thesxe children but reffused to take full responsiblity because of his reputation.
    -ashley ralston

  14. many slave owners a the time had sexual relations with their slaves. Whether or not it was sensual or rape is a different sdtory,. One thing that shickem me was that whether or not these were Jefferson's kids, he cared for them like they were his own. I feel that many slave owners would have either abandoned the slave that was pregnant or even sell the kids. it is almost amazing how Jefferson was able to keep this a huge secret because if he did not this could have easily destroyed his reputation.

  15. I belivee that thomas jefferson was the father of sally hemings children, I wouldn't be surprised. After being around her all the time and having her work for him, its no shock that he would have a physical attraction to her.
    -Briana Munoz

  16. I believe Thomas Jefferson fathered Sally Hemings children but kept it a secret like people did back in the days. He cared for them as their own so maybe he had a guilty conscience or he knew it was their children. If it's not their children I would believe there was sexual interactions between Hemings and Jefferson.

  17. I believe that Thomas Jefferson is the father of Sally Hemmings children because he was always around her and she worked for him. He treated her well and took care of the children whether it was out of guilt or just the goodness in his heart no one will ever know. but i feel that Thomas Jefferson definetly had sexual realtions with sally hemmings, whether they were in love or it was rape is another topic, but those were his children and actually it was common for people to have sex with their slaves and since there was no contraceptives things happen and the slaves become pregnant.

  18. Jefferson like many other political leaders were slave owners. Thomas Jefferson being the prominent figure that he is makes it hard to believe he would actually be the father of Sally Hemmings children. If Jefferson did this, I believe that there must have been many other slave owners that did the same thing, we just haven't heard of them because they are not the "THOMAS JEFFERSON." Through DNA testings it is proven that descendants of Jefferson and descendants of Hemmings are somehow connected. I believe this is true but I also believe that Jefferson was not the only one in a relaitonship of this sort.

  19. Yes, I believe that Thomas Jefferson is the father of Sally Hemings children. After all he did own her and they were always around each other. He took care of her, she was treated better than most slaves were treated. I think he is the father of the children.

  20. In Jefferson's years,it wasen't uncommon for people to own slaves. He did have a relationship with Sally Hemings,they were together most of the time. She was younger than him plus they had several other children together. Jefferson treated her with more respect than the other slaves and took responsibility of fathering the children.

  21. It is true that Thomas Jefferson had a relationship with one of his slaves. He gave her as much freedom as he could at the time without society noticing what was going on between them. it is documented that she was always taking care of his children, which would be similar to the stay-at-home mother role. This was probably not the only mixed racial couple at the time.

    Lauren Dougherty

  22. I think it must have been really common in those days for men to have affairs with their female slaves or maybe fell in love with them. I do believe that Thomas Jefferson was involved with Sally Hemings. He did treat her better than most slaves were treated and I think there's a reason why, out of all the slaves, he specifically treated her that way.

  23. Considering Hemings' father was Jeffersons father in law, this apparently was common practice for slave owners, and I'm not surprised. No matter what time your in or where you are, infidelity is always bound to happen. Either way, it had good outcomes for her and his and her children because I assume he did treat her a little better than any other slaves if he had children with her he must've had some sort of care for her, and he also took care of their children which is just a responsible thing to do because they were his children also. Either way, I doubt this was very uncommon at the time.

  24. I wasnt to shocked about how Jefferson had children with his slave Sally Hemings , and still made his kids his slaves afterwards. Obviously, mixed races and mixed children were not allowed back then, so i feel Jefferson made his kids his slaves in order to show that they werent his kids and just his slaves. I personally believe that Jefferson had sexual interactions with Hemmings because they did find the DNA tests a match. Along with the matching DNA, both Sally and Thomas were always together whether it was love or rape, i believe it benefitted her either way resulting in him treating her a little better for being his baby momma.

  25. I believe that Sally Hemings, and Jefferson have had a relationship. As her being his slave, it was not as open as others were. This is proven to be true due to the the fact that the DNA tests had matched. He had treated her very good, and also helped take care of the kids. This was probably common for most slave owners and slaves to have relationships that were unknown.

  26. i do believe that Thomas Jefferson was the father of Sally Hemings children. It really was not an unknown fact that some slave owners had sexual relations with the people they owned. There is also enough evidence that was discovered to link the two together. DNA test also prove that somehow her kids and Thomas Jefferson were connected. She spent all day working with him for a long period of time so I am sure somewhere in that time they made time for each other.

  27. Reading this article i found out things about Thomas Jefferson that i had never known. Sally was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson. The Jefferson Hemings controversy showed intimate relationship with Sally Hemings. Controversy has been going on from the 1790s. I found this article very interesting to learn that the body has been tested and do show traces of DNA match.

  28. After Reading the article i do think that Thomas Jefferson is the father of the slave Sally Hemings children. It was very common back then for Slave owners to have children with their slaves.I thought how they did the DNA test was cool and how the test showed a perfect match for Jefferson and one of Sally Hemings sons.

  29. During this time, it was common for slave owners to have sexual relations with their slaves. However, it was usually kept quiet. Theres no doubt that Jefferson had sex with Hemings. Even DNA testings proved that he fathered those kids that she gave birth to. At least he cared for them the right way.
    -Brianna Rios

  30. It doesn't surprise me that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. After all, a slave, by definition, is a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another. It also doesn't surprise me that Jefferson's and Hemings' relationship was kept a secret as this was often the case with owner/slave relationships. I actually wonder if Jefferson had more children with other slaves. I found the DNA test linking Hemings' sons with Jefferson interesting as it confirmed a historical fact.
